Dawes School is a multicultural neighborhood schoool. Students who live within the attendance boundary are eligible to enroll. The attendance boundaries can be found at this link: https://cps.edu/Schools/Find_a_school/Pages/FindaSchool.aspx
In order to register your child at Dawes School you will need the following documentation:
1. Child's Birth Certificate,
2. (2) Proofs of address (light, gas, or telephone bill),
3. Photo ID,
4. Child's Immunization Records,
5. Physical and Dental Exam (for those children who will be entering Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Sixth and for children transferring from another state), and
6. Transfer Papers from the previous school.
Please note that Pre-K registration is done online and is not held at Dawes School. Please call 773-535-2350 if you have questions and/or need any additional information;
La escuela Dawes es una escuela multicultural del barrio. Los estudiantes que viven dentro de los limites de asistencia estan disponible de inscribirse. Puede encontrar los limites de asistencia aqui: https://cps.edu/Schools/Find_a_school/Pages/FindaSchool.aspx
Para matricular a su nino en la escuela se necesita lo siguiente:
1. Acta de nacimiento,
2. (2) comprobantes de domicilio (recibos de luz, gas telefono),
3. Identificacion con foto (licencia de manejo, matricula, identification del estado),
4. Libro de vacunas,
5. Examen fisico y dental (para los ninos que entraran a Pre-K, Kinder, Primero, Sexto y para los estudiantes que vienen de otro estado),
6. Hoja de traslado (transfer) de la escuela anterior.
Favor de notar que para matricular un nino en Pre-K tiene que aplicar por el sitio del web. Favor de llamar a 773-535-2350 para mas informacion y/o con preguntas.